
Panacea is an 24/7 working helpline command center of the society which works for attending health issues of the students. hence to monitor the same every college has an ANM/ staff nurse to attend health issues of the students.

In our college we have an operational LSG(Life Saving Group) with Principal, Vice Principal, ANM and Locoparents are part of it

1. Staff Nurse K Yadamma attends the sick students regularly and takes them to PHC-Sangaredddy if neceesary. She maintains all required information of the students, identfies any specific health issue with the help of the Locoparents.

2.She is also in contact with PANACEA TEAM and gives information time to time.

3.PANACEA commandment contact numbers are shared with all students and stickers of phone numbers is pasted in the notice Boards and also in Dormitories as well as at their homes.

4. If required, chronic patiens are taken to Osmania Hospital /Gandhi Hospital, Hyderabad

5. She regularly conductsSpecial Camps with team of Doctors of MNR medical College Sangareddy.

6. She providies Special Diet to sick students 

7. Regualarly conducts Health and Hygiene Clasess to staff and students and also is participates in Healthy Thursday activities

8. She also arranges for Invited lectures by local doctors to advise the students on health issues.